Current Research

Are you a college student from a rural area who identifies as LGBTQ+? Let's talk!
I’m conducting interviews with LGBTQ+ college students from rural areas. I want to hear how your background has played a role in your college success. If you would like to contribute your thoughts by participating in a 90-minute virtual interview, please email me at [email protected].
Click here for more information about this study.
Recently Published
Sorgen, C. H., McNamee, T. C., Tate, B. C., & Shannon-Baker, P. (2024). Supporting queer students from rural backgrounds: Navigating challenges and building resilience in higher education. In A. Herridge & K. Prieto (Eds.), Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience. (pp. 164-186). IGI Global.
Previous Scholarship
The multiple identities of college students from rural areas: Connecting scholarship and practice.
Cain, E. J., Sorgen, C. H., & Calhoun, D. W. (Eds.). (2021). The multiple identities of college students from rural areas: Connecting scholarship and practice. New Directions for Student Services, 2020 (171-172), 1-86.
Recognizing and supporting queer students from rural areas.
Sorgen, C. H., & Rogers, B. A. (2021). Recognizing and supporting queer students from rural areas. In Cain, E. J., Sorgen, C. H., & Calhoun, D. W. (Eds.), The Multiple Identities of College Students from Rural Areas: Connecting Scholarship and Practice. New Directions for Student Services, 2020 (171-172), 77-83.
Using an outsourced online tutoring service to promote success in online composition courses.
Miles, B., Sorgen, C. H., & Zinskie, C. D. (2021). Using an outsourced online tutoring service to promote success in online composition courses. TechTrends.
How effective are escape room games as pedagogy for leadership instruction?
Faculty Advisor ~ Georgia Southern University
John Banter, Principal Investigator
John Egan, Co-Investigator
Egan, J., Banter, J., & Sorgen, C. H. (2021). Assessing escape rooms as a teaching strategy for leadership competency development. Journal of Leadership Education 20(1), 140-152.
Social integration of student veterans: The influence of interactions with faculty on peer-group interactions.
Dean, T., Sorgen, C.H., & Zinskie, C.D. (2020). Social integration of student veterans: The influence of interactions with faculty on peer-group interactions. Journal of Veterans Studies, 6(2), 20-29.
Stress & quality of work life of faculty
with Teri Melton, Associate Professor Emerita
and Terry Diamandouros, Professor
Sorgen, C. H., Melton, T. D., & Diamanduros, T. D. (2020). Perceived levels of stress and quality of work life of faculty. Journal of Faculty Development 34(1), 31-36.
The influence of sexual identity on (psychological and) higher education outcomes
Dissertation in Higher Education
College of Education ~ The Pennsylvania State University
Robert Reason, Dissertation Chair
Anthony D'Augelli, Cognate Advisor
Leticia Oseguera, Methodologist
Susan Rankin, LGBT Scholar
Click here for more information
Student-Athlete Climate Study
Research grant funded by the National Collegiate Athletic Association
Center for the Study of Higher Education ~ The Pennsylvania State University
Susan Rankin, Supervising Professor
Rankin, S. R., Merson, D., Garvey, J. C., Sorgen, C. H., Menon, I., Loya, K., Oseguera, L. (2016). The influence of climate on the academic and athletic success of student-athletes: Results from a multi-institutional national study. Journal of Higher Education, 5, 710 -730. doi:10.1353/jhe.2016.0027.
For a list of previous research projects, please click here
Cain, E. J., Sorgen, C. H., & Calhoun, D. W. (Eds.). (2021). The multiple identities of college students from rural areas: Connecting scholarship and practice. New Directions for Student Services, 2020 (171-172), 1-86.
Recognizing and supporting queer students from rural areas.
Sorgen, C. H., & Rogers, B. A. (2021). Recognizing and supporting queer students from rural areas. In Cain, E. J., Sorgen, C. H., & Calhoun, D. W. (Eds.), The Multiple Identities of College Students from Rural Areas: Connecting Scholarship and Practice. New Directions for Student Services, 2020 (171-172), 77-83.
Using an outsourced online tutoring service to promote success in online composition courses.
Miles, B., Sorgen, C. H., & Zinskie, C. D. (2021). Using an outsourced online tutoring service to promote success in online composition courses. TechTrends.
How effective are escape room games as pedagogy for leadership instruction?
Faculty Advisor ~ Georgia Southern University
John Banter, Principal Investigator
John Egan, Co-Investigator
Egan, J., Banter, J., & Sorgen, C. H. (2021). Assessing escape rooms as a teaching strategy for leadership competency development. Journal of Leadership Education 20(1), 140-152.
Social integration of student veterans: The influence of interactions with faculty on peer-group interactions.
Dean, T., Sorgen, C.H., & Zinskie, C.D. (2020). Social integration of student veterans: The influence of interactions with faculty on peer-group interactions. Journal of Veterans Studies, 6(2), 20-29.
Stress & quality of work life of faculty
with Teri Melton, Associate Professor Emerita
and Terry Diamandouros, Professor
Sorgen, C. H., Melton, T. D., & Diamanduros, T. D. (2020). Perceived levels of stress and quality of work life of faculty. Journal of Faculty Development 34(1), 31-36.
The influence of sexual identity on (psychological and) higher education outcomes
Dissertation in Higher Education
College of Education ~ The Pennsylvania State University
Robert Reason, Dissertation Chair
Anthony D'Augelli, Cognate Advisor
Leticia Oseguera, Methodologist
Susan Rankin, LGBT Scholar
Click here for more information
Student-Athlete Climate Study
Research grant funded by the National Collegiate Athletic Association
Center for the Study of Higher Education ~ The Pennsylvania State University
Susan Rankin, Supervising Professor
Rankin, S. R., Merson, D., Garvey, J. C., Sorgen, C. H., Menon, I., Loya, K., Oseguera, L. (2016). The influence of climate on the academic and athletic success of student-athletes: Results from a multi-institutional national study. Journal of Higher Education, 5, 710 -730. doi:10.1353/jhe.2016.0027.
For a list of previous research projects, please click here
Academic & Research Presentations: National
Friendraising and Fundraising Fundamentals
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, April 2024
Do They Really Read the Syllabus?
SoTL Commons Conference, February 2024
Strategies for Facilitating Safe Zone Training Online
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, April 2023
Caucus for Queer and Rural Identities
Creating Change Conference, February 2023
Escape games as an innovative teaching strategy
Leadership Educators Institute, December 2020
Perceived levels of stress and quality of work life of faculty
Barcelona Conference on Education, September 2020
*accepted but not presented due to travel restrictions
Teaching teachers’ teachers about teaching: Pedagogical issues in educational leadership
SoTL Commons Conference, January 2019
Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A new way to conduct classroom observations
Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, November 2016
Using focus groups to promote effective practices
Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, November 2015
The development of measures of student-athlete identity and athletic success
for a multi-institution study
with Dan Merson and Susan Rankin
Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference, November 2011
The influence of sexual identity disclosure on higher education outcomes
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2011
Implications of sexual identity for college student development
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2010
Perceptions of LGBQ student-athletes and developmental implications
with Susan Rankin and Maureen McMahon
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2010
Working with Female-to-Different Gender (FTDG) students: Language, development and inclusion
with Susan Rankin
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Creating Change, February 2008
American College Personnel Association, March 2008
A climate assessment of intercollegiate athletics
with Susan Rankin
American College Personnel Association, March 2009
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, April 2024
Do They Really Read the Syllabus?
SoTL Commons Conference, February 2024
Strategies for Facilitating Safe Zone Training Online
Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals, April 2023
Caucus for Queer and Rural Identities
Creating Change Conference, February 2023
Escape games as an innovative teaching strategy
Leadership Educators Institute, December 2020
Perceived levels of stress and quality of work life of faculty
Barcelona Conference on Education, September 2020
*accepted but not presented due to travel restrictions
Teaching teachers’ teachers about teaching: Pedagogical issues in educational leadership
SoTL Commons Conference, January 2019
Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A new way to conduct classroom observations
Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, November 2016
Using focus groups to promote effective practices
Professional & Organizational Development Network in Higher Education, November 2015
The development of measures of student-athlete identity and athletic success
for a multi-institution study
with Dan Merson and Susan Rankin
Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) conference, November 2011
The influence of sexual identity disclosure on higher education outcomes
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2011
Implications of sexual identity for college student development
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2010
Perceptions of LGBQ student-athletes and developmental implications
with Susan Rankin and Maureen McMahon
American College Personnel International Convention, March 2010
Working with Female-to-Different Gender (FTDG) students: Language, development and inclusion
with Susan Rankin
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Creating Change, February 2008
American College Personnel Association, March 2008
A climate assessment of intercollegiate athletics
with Susan Rankin
American College Personnel Association, March 2009
Academic & Research Presentations: Regional
What else is there? Professions in education other than teaching
with Jennifer Perry
Georgia Southern University College of Education Senior Symposium
Formative pedagogical consultations with induction teachers
Georgia Induction Teacher Summit, April 2019
Situational Leadership – The Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference, October 2019
Classroom implications of non-heterosexual identity development
Lilly Conference on College Teaching, October 2014
AP scores: What do they really tell us?
with Mark Byrd, Song Yan, and Laura Woodward
Michigan Association for Institutional Research, November 2013
Gender diversity
Mid-Atlantic LGBTA Conference, November 2010
Experiences of LGB student athletes in intercollegiate athletics
with Susan Rankin
Gender, Sexuality, and Sport Conference, March 2009
Non-Heterosexual identity development
Mid-Atlantic LGBTA Conference, November 2010
Pennsylvania College Personnel Association, October 2008
Inclusive Programming – Learning from Difference
New York University Student Affairs Conference, March 2005
with Jennifer Perry
Georgia Southern University College of Education Senior Symposium
Formative pedagogical consultations with induction teachers
Georgia Induction Teacher Summit, April 2019
Situational Leadership – The Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Southern Collegiate Leadership Conference, October 2019
Classroom implications of non-heterosexual identity development
Lilly Conference on College Teaching, October 2014
AP scores: What do they really tell us?
with Mark Byrd, Song Yan, and Laura Woodward
Michigan Association for Institutional Research, November 2013
Gender diversity
Mid-Atlantic LGBTA Conference, November 2010
Experiences of LGB student athletes in intercollegiate athletics
with Susan Rankin
Gender, Sexuality, and Sport Conference, March 2009
Non-Heterosexual identity development
Mid-Atlantic LGBTA Conference, November 2010
Pennsylvania College Personnel Association, October 2008
Inclusive Programming – Learning from Difference
New York University Student Affairs Conference, March 2005